Post-Christmas Winter Home Decor
Christmas is such a festive season and if you are like me, you probably go overboard decorating. Then January rolls over, you take down the Christmas decorations and the home just feels blah! Do you feel like your home feels so plain? I totally felt that way this time around. I must admit however, that by the time I took those Christmas decorations down, they were feeling kinda stuffy. Taking the down the decorations made the home feel refreshed albeit plain. What is a lady to doš¤? I thought, how about I decorate for winter by repurposing some of the Christmas decorations! Christmas decorations plus a few items here and there and viola - my version of winter wonderland!
Here are the ideas I used to decorate for winter.
On the couch, added some fluffy cozy blankets in shades of white. There are plenty all over town, many stores carry fluffy blankets this time of the year.Decorated my dining table and set it up with my white china. This set is a French Countryside by Mikasa including the white kettle on the sideboard. I have had this set for more than 15 year. It was my first set to purchase and I chose it because it was simple and elegant. I can now also say, it is durable and it has served me well. It worked perfectly for the winter white theme.
I repurposed some green trees, seen on the photo below. These little trees are from my Christmas decorations and worked great for the winter theme.
I love flowers and hydrangeas are at the top of the list. These white hydrangeas from Trader Joes were a perfect touch.
I added some wood slices for chargers to make the setting interesting and earthy. These were from amazon.
I have learned that a quick little cosmetic decor change can give the home a face lift. If you are feeling that your home feels empty or plain as I did, try the tips above and let me know how they work for you on the comments below.
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